CLHS is pleased to make available a number of resources arising from members’ research or transcription projects.
Please refer to our Copyright section before reproducing any of the material on this website.
Additional resources can be found on our Oral History Recordings and Alfred Miles Scrapbook pages.
Cheltenham Borough Council
Minutes from 1888 to 1947 have been digitised by David Drinkwater and are available to download.
Please read the background notes before accessing the minutes.
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Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
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Cheltenham Borough Council
A database of Planning Applications from 1895 to 1947 has been created by David Drinkwater, based on the information included in the Cheltenham Borough Council Minutes.
You may use the material on this website for your own private research purposes but not for publication in any format.
Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
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Cheltenham Building Survey Certificates
A number of Cheltenham building survey certificates, 1824-1840 and September 1848, are held at Gloucestershire Archives (GA Ref. B645/53281GS).
Background notes and a summary made by CLHS members are available for download.
You may use the material on this website for your own private research purposes but not for publication in any format.
Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
No material from this website may be reproduced in any format without permission from the copyright holder(s) and due acknowledgement of the same. Please use our Contact Form for any queries.
In the early 1990s CLHS members worked on a project to index the Cheltenham Examiner newspaper. The first edition of The Examiner was dated 17th June 1839 and the paper continued to be published weekly until 1913.
You may use the material on this website for your own private research purposes but not for publication in any format.
Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
No material from this website may be reproduced in any format without permission from the copyright holder(s) and due acknowledgement of the same. Please use our Contact Form for any queries.
Cheltenham Probate Inventories pre-1660 and post-1740
Cheltenham Probate records 1660-1740 were published, as a hard copy, Volume 12, Gloucestershire Record Series in 1999, now digitised and available from FindMyPast Collection Cheltenham Probate Abstracts, 1660-1740 (subscription required). This period was chosen by A J H Sale, aided by Dr James Hodsdon, as the most accessible and representative of the probate documents for the town during this period.
Since then further inventories have come to light for the periods prior to 1660 and post 1740, which have now been transcribed by CLHS members.
We are grateful to Gloucestershire Archives for allowing access to the probate records from which the transcriptions were made.
You may use the material on this website for your own private research purposes but not for publication in any format.
Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
No material from this website may be reproduced in any format without permission from the copyright holder(s) and due acknowledgement of the same. Please use our Contact Form for any queries.
Enfranchisement books of the Manor Court of Cheltenham
These record the transactions that turned the copyhold land held ‘in the hands of the Lord of the Manor’ into freehold tenure.
They contain approximately 2,800 transactions covering many premises and parcels of land, and include the name of the property owner (enfranchiser), the sum of money paid, date, details of the property enfranchised, and occasionally, additional pencilled information.
CLHS member Sally Self has summarised the key information from the books into an Excel spreadsheet to make this resource available to all.
Please access the Explanatory notes and Sample images from the books before searching the database.
You may use the material on this website for your own private research purposes but not for publication in any format.
Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
No material from this website may be reproduced in any format without permission from the copyright holder(s) and due acknowledgement of the same. Please use our Contact Form for any queries.
Know Your Place mapping website
Know Your Place (KYP) is a website displaying a range of historic maps of Gloucestershire, including tithe maps from the 1840s, the 1855 Cheltenham Old Town Survey, Ordnance Survey maps from 1844-1865, and town plans from 1879-1888, with modern street maps for comparison purposes.
CLHS volunteers have uploaded short biographical notes and images which are attached to maps of the Cheltenham area for two areas of interest from the first decades of the 20th century: World War I servicemen and women, and the Supporters of Women’s Suffrage.
World War I servicemen and women
The Know Your Place World War I layer holds around 1600 entries relating to men and women serving during the war from the Cheltenham area, linked to their home addresses, mostly accompanied by images. This collection was created by local historian David Drinkwater.
Click the image for guidance notes on accessing the WWI layer.
Women’s Suffrage Supporters
The Know Your Place Women’s Suffrage layer has been created from a database of suffrage supporters in Gloucestershire researched and compiled by historian Sue Jones. A unique source of information and images for the Cheltenham area is a 1912 book of signatures of women and men presented in gratitude to their M.P. James Agg-Gardner for introducing the second reading of a women’s suffrage bill that year (Gloucestershire Archives reference D5130/6/6).
Click the image for guidance notes on accessing the Suffrage layer. Sue Jones website can be found here.
Old Town Survey 1855-7
In 2011 CLHS produced a reproduction of a large-scale map, originally commissioned by Cheltenham’s Borough Engineering Department— this is in 84 sections with a full index of all public and private premises, roads and other fascinating structures. The maps are available on CD from the CLHS Library, online at Know Your Place, or at Gloucestershire Archives and Cheltenham Local Studies Library.
Available for download
Pittville Spa Subscription book 1830-1852
A comprehensive record of the mid-19th century visitors to the Pittville Spa Pump Room. The original volume, held at Gloucestershire Archives, records their names, addresses and the Pittville amenities that they enjoyed during their stay in the town, and were transcribed by Kath Boothman and Jill Waller in 2014.
Please read the Background notes and access the Terms of subscription (images from the subscription book) before downloading the database.
You may use the material on this website for your own private research purposes but not for publication in any format.
Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
No material from this website may be reproduced in any format without permission from the copyright holder(s) and due acknowledgement of the same. Please use our Contact Form for any queries.
St Mary’s parish registers
Transcriptions of the parish registers for St Mary’s, Cheltenham, (now The Minster) are available for download. Access to the registers is also available at Gloucestershire Archives and online at Ancestry (free access at GA).
You may use the material on this website for your own private research purposes but not for publication in any format.
Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
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You may use the material on this website for your own private research purposes but not for publication in any format.
Text is copyright of Cheltenham Local History Society and/or the author(s), and all illustrations are copyright to the copyright owners. Neither text nor illustrations may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission in writing of the owner or owners. We apologise if any material infringes copyright or has not been acknowledged. The Society will gladly acknowledge any omissions, if informed.
No material from this website may be reproduced in any format without permission from the copyright holder(s) and due acknowledgement of the same. Please use our Contact Form for any queries.