The Society holds an extensive library of books and documents relating to Cheltenham. These may be borrowed by members of the Society.

If you wish to check on the availability of a book, or to ask about new acquisitions, please click here to contact Sue Robbins.

The catalogue can be accessed here.

100 Years of Congregationalism in Cheltenham, Highbury 1827-1927

100 Years of Hockey, Dean Close School (2011)

150 Years of St Paul’s Church, Cheltenham, 1831-1981 (1981)

1000 Years of Cheltenham Parish Church, 17th editn.

1853-1979 A History of Cheltenham Ladies’ College, A.K. Clarke (1979)

1903 Bennett’s Business Directory of Gloucestershire.

1975 Kelly’s Tradefinder of CHELTENHAM.

Annual Accounts of Parish Church & St. Matthews, 1904-22 (Incomplete)

The Battle of Leckhampton Hill, 1902-04.

Battledown: The Story of a Victorian Estate, D.A. O’Connor (1992)

The Best – H.H. Martyn & Co. and the Gloster Aircraft Co., John Whitaker (1998)

Bicentenary Costumes, Christine Lalley (1988)

Bishops & Deans of Worcester, Bertram H Green

Black & White: A Pictorial Reminiscence, 1926-1976

The Book of Cheltenham, S. Blake & R. Beacham (1982)

A Brief History of Naunton Park, Ann Gibson (1990s)

A Brief Economic & Social History of Cheltenham, (1986)

Britain in Old Photos – Charlton Kings, S. Fletcher (1999)

Britain in Old Photos – Leckhampton, Gill & Miller (2000)

British Service Medals of First World War, G. North (2003)

Brunel in Gloucestershire, John Christopher (2012)

Cambray Baptist Church 1843-1993 – 150 Years, Sylvia Pierce (1993)

Charles Hastings and Worcester 1794 – 1866. B.M.A. (1966)

Cheltenham, Bryan Little (1952)

Cheltenham in Antarctica: The Life of Edward Wilson, D.M. Wilson & D.B. Elder (2000)

Cheltenham As It Was, Roger Beacham, (1976)

Cheltenham Betrayed, Timothy Mowl, (1995)

Cheltenham Bi-centenary Commemorative Prog. (1988)

A Cheltenham Bi-Centenary – The Parish Church Boys School, 1713-1913, (N.B. in poor condition.)

Cheltenham, A Biography, Simona Pakenham (1971)

Cheltenham, The Book, (Cheltenham Racecourse) 2000

Cheltenham: A Case Study in Hospital Provision 1918-48, Heather Atkinson (2004)

Chelt. Churches & Chapels AD 773-1883, S. Blake (1979)

Cheltenham Circular Footpath, (1996)

Cheltenham College: The First Hundred Years, M.C. Morgan (1968)

A Cheltenham Companion, A. Sampson & S. Blake (1993)

Cheltenham, The Garden Town of England, J.H. Garrett (1903)

The Cheltenham Gramophone Soc., 1938-1999.

Chelt’ham Historical Walks No.1 – The Pittville Estate, (1977)

Chelt. Historical Walks No.2 – Bayshill & Lansdown, (1977)

Cheltenham Historical Walks No.3 – St. George’s Place & the Lower High Street, (1978)

Cheltenham, A History, Sue Rowbotham& Jill Waller (2004)

Cheltenham Ladies, Gillian Avery (2003)

Cheltenham Ladies’ College, A Brief History & Guide (2001)x2

Cheltenham Music Festival at 65, Steve Black (2009)

Cheltenham, A New History, Anthea Jones (2010)

Cheltenham in Old Photographs, Roger Whiting (1986)

Cheltenham in Old Picture Postcards, J. Roles M.A. (1983)

Cheltenham Outlined, Aylwin Sampson (2003)

Cheltenham Parish Church, John Sawyer (1903)

Cheltenham, A Pictorial History, Steven Blake (1996)

Cheltenham in Pictures, Bryan Little (1967)

Cheltenham Probate Records, A.J.H. Sale (1999)

Cheltenham Revealed: The own & Tithing Plan of c.1800, Carolyn Greet & James Hodsdon, (CLHS 2012)

Cheltenham Rugby Football Club 1889-1989, John Woodward (1989)

Cheltenham Silver Band, 1937-1989, M.I. Kippin

Cheltenham Spa (Guide), (1950s)

Cheltenham Spa, Official Guide, (1960s)

Cheltenham, Town of Shadows, Bob Meredith (1988)

Cheltenham Walks & Rides, Peter Ryland (1971)

Cheltenham At War, Peter Gill (1994)

Cheltenham’s Music, Peter Gill (2007)

Cheltenham’s Ornamental Ironwork, A. Chatwin (1984) x 2

Cheltenham’s Upper Bath Road, Marilyn West (2000)

The Cotswolds at War, June R. Lewis (1992)

A Chronology of CHELTENHAM, 200 BC – 2000 AD, Stephen E. Osmond (2000)

A Chronology of Cheltenham’s Literary Connections, Compiled by Jill Waller (2008)

A Chronology of Crime & Conflict in Chelt. Jill Waller (2004)

A Chronology of Housing the Poor in Cheltenham, Compil. J. Waller, H. Atkinson & S. Rowbotham (2009)

A Chronology of Nonconformity & Dissent in Cheltenham, Jill Waller (2007)

A Chronology of Sickness & Health in Chelt. Jill Waller (2003)

A Chronology of Sport in Cheltenham. Jill Waller (2006)

A Chronology of Trade & Industry in Chelt. Jill Waller (2002)
Cleeve Hill: The History of the Common & Its People, David H. Aldred (1990)

The Cloth Industry in Gloucestershire, 1700-1840 (1976)

The Collection of the late R.E. Summerfield, Vol.s I & III, Christie’s (1989)

Commemorative Plaques of Cheltenham, Peter Smith & Sue Rowbotham (2009)

Crickley Hill, P. Dixon & P. Borne (1997)

The Days in Gardening, the Nights in Rhyme, Isaac Bell, Gardener, East Court, C.K. (1825-33) Edit. M. Greet

The Dixon-Hartland Family, 1832-1956, David O’Connor, CKLHS (2000)

The Dowty Story, Parts I & II, L.T.C. Rolt (1962 & 1973)

Eagle Star – History and Archives, Isabel Syed (1997)

Education in Gloucestershire, Platts & Hainton (1954)

Electricity comes to Cheltenham, Reginald Acock (1995)

England of 100 Years Ago – CHELTENHAM.

Evangelicals & Education, Khim Harris. (2004)

Everyman, Gloucestershire’s Theatre (2004)

Everyman Theatre – Official Centenary Brochure (1991)

Evolution of British Sigint, 1653-1939, J. Johnson (1997)

Exploring Gloucestershire’s Industrial Heritage, GSIA, (2005)

The Faith of Edward Wilson, George Seaver (1950)

Five More Walks Around Charlton Kings, C.K.L.H.S. (1998)

Food in Regency Cheltenham, Ann Radburn (1985)

Francis Frith’s Around Cheltenham, John Bainbridge (2000)

Frank Whittle: Invention of the Jet, Andrew Nahum (2004)

From a Cotswold Height. J.H. Garrett 1919 (1988 edition)

George Rowe, Artist & Lithographer, 1796-1864, Steven Blake (1982)

The Gloster Aircraft Co. Ltd. (Booklet)

The Gloucester & Cheltenham Tramroad & Leckhampton Quarry Lines, David Bick (1987)

Gloucester Cathedral, D. Verey & D. Welander (1989)

Gloucester Women in Gaol.

Gloucestershire 1000 Years: The Cathedral Church of St Peter, Gloucester (2007)

A Gloucestershire Quiz Book, Julia Owen (1996)

Gloucestershire Turnpike Roads (1976)

A Guide to Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum (1994)

Guide to the Cheltenham Ladies College, Illustrated (1931)

Haunted Cheltenham, W.L. Cox & R.D. Meredith (1981)

Heavenly Light: Guided Tour of the Stained Glass Windows of St Mary’s Church, Cheltenham,- Revd Canon Andrew Dow MA (2010)

The Hebrew Community of CHELTENHAM, Gloucester & Stroud, Brian Torode (1989)

Held in Honour: Cheltenham & the Second World War, Graham Sacker 2000

Henry Daniel GARN, 1829-1891, I.M. Baker (2002)

Hill Walks Around Cheltenham, R. Kershaw (1976)

Historic Prestbury, Valerie Braunholtz

An Historical Gazetteer of Cheltenham, J. Hodsdon (1997)

History of Arle, Dowty Group.

A History of Charlton Kings, edit. Mary Paget (1988)

A History of CHELTENHAM, Gwen Hart (1981 editn)

The History of CHELTENHAM Archers, 1857-1975, P. Cant.

The History of Cheltenham Croquet Club, D. Magee (2004)

The History of Dean Close School Chapel, (1990s)

The History of the Gloucestershire Constabulary, H. Thomas Q.P.M. (1987)

The History of Hesters Way, Vols. 1, 2, 3 & 4

The History of Leckhampton Church, Eric Miller (1987)

The History of Leckhampton Church, E. Miller (Revis.2006)

History of St. Luke’s Church 1854-2004, A. Munden (2004)

The History of Whaddon, Lynworth & Priors, Vol. 1

The Holst Birthplace Museum, L. Maddison (1992)

The Honeybourne Line, C Maggs & Peter Nicholson (1985)

How Different from Us – A Biography of Miss Buss & Miss Beale, J. Kam. (1958)

How G.C.H.Q. came to CHELTENHAM. P. Freeman. (2002)

How Old is Your House, Pamela Cunnington (1980)

Images of CHELTENHAM, Eric Franks (2000)

Images of England – Cheltenham, Elaine Heasman (1998)

Images of England – Cheltenham, Vol.II, E. Heasman (1998)

Images of England – DOWTY’S.

Images of England – Gloster Aircraft Co., D. James (1994)

Improving the Property – The Prinns & Forden House, Mary Paget CKLHS, (2002)

In the Days of Miss Beale, F. Cecily Steadman (1931)

In the Shadow of the Hill, edit. D. Brown & E. Caudle.

Industry & Technology in Cheltenham – Exhibition Book 1982, Stuart Manton

An Interesting Group (Portraits by Richard Dighton), CAGM (1983)

An Introduction to the Cemeteries & Crematorium Dept, John Ludlow (CBC 1988)

John Burgh Rochfort: Preacher Extraordinaire, David O’Connor, CKLHS (2007)

John Middleton, Victorian Provincial Architect, Brian Torode (2008)

Leaving All That Was Dear: Cheltenham & the Great War. Graham Sacker & Joe Devereux (1997)

Leckhampton 1894: The End of an Era, Edit. B. Stait (1994)

Leckhampton Court, Manor House to Hospice, E Miller (2002)

Leckhampton Through the Ages, E. Andrew, E. Brewin (1979)

Leckhampton in the Second World War, Leckhampton LHS

Leckhampton Yesteryear, Eric Miller (1996)

Life and Work of Mary Playne, Pauline Carnt (1993)

Living Stones: The Catholic Church of St Gregory the Great, Cheltenham, J Vials & C Bentall (2013)

Memorial Inscriptions of Cheltenham, J.A. Rawes (1983)

The Military Survey of Gloucestershire 1522, Edit. R.W. Hoyle 1993

The Music Makers – History of the Cheltenham Bach Choir 1946-96, Tony Whelpton (1996)

The New Club at Imperial Square, Neil Parrack (2012)

Norman’s History of CHELTENHAM, John Goding (1863)

North Gloucestershire at War, Peter Gill (1995)

Notes on Historic Prestbury, Valerie Braunholz.

Old Leckhampton, D. Bick (1971)

The Other Side of Regency Cheltenham – A History of the Lower High Street Area, Heather Atkinson (1997)

P.G.S.G. – A History 1905-46. Cheltenham’s Other Girls’ School, Barbara King 1990

Pittville 1824 – 1860, Steven Blake (1988)

Pittville Park Tree Trail.

The Pittville Pump Room 1825-1980, Steven Blake (1980)

Please Stand for Jerusalem, (Glos Federation of WIs), Sybil Everitt (1989)

Pleasure Town: Cheltenham 1830-1860, Arthur Bell (1981)

The Poor Law in Gloucestershire (1974)

Prehistoric & Roman Sites of the Chelt. Area, W.L. Cox (1981)

Principles & Proposals for St. James’ Site. (1976)

Prison at the Crossroads – the Northleach House of Correction. (1994)

Professional Photographers in Cheltenham, 1841-1914, M. Hallett (1986)

The Queen’s Hotel, Aylwin Sampson (1981)

Rate Book 1882 (Charlton Kings) (GRO DA3 510/1), Transcribed by Mary Paget, CKLHS

The River Chelt, Members of Cheltenham U3A (1998)

The Roman Villa at Woodchester (1951)

Rowe’s Illustrated CHELTENHAM Guide, 1845, (facsimile)

Ruff’s Beauties of CHELTENHAM, 1806 (1981 editn, R. Self)

Saint George’s Place (1979)

St. Gregory the Great, Cheltenham. (1977)

St Nicholas Church, Prestbury :The Early Years, 1920-1970, Bell & Spurgeon (2010)

St. Peter’s Church, Cheltenham. (2006)

St. Stephen’s, Cheltenham, I. Kirby & B. Torode (1973)

Sandford Parks Lido, Our History & Community. (2007)

Scene Again, Aylwin Sampson (1990)

The Scots Church, Whaddon Lane – A Brief History of Chelt. Evangelical Free Church, 1877-2011, J Hunt (2011)

A Scrapbook of the Holst Birthplace Museum, compiled by Imogen Holst, 1978

A Short History of the First Cheltenham Spa in Bayshill, Anthea Jones (1988)

A Short History of Roman Road (1999)

Six Years 1856-1861 – The Diaries of Edward Welch of Arle, C. S. Greet (1997)

Smiths Industries at Cheltenham, Chris Ellis (1990)

South Gloucestershire at War, Peter Gill (1995)

Speaking Volumes – A History of the Cheltenham Festival of Literature, Nicola Bennett (1999)

A Splendid College – Illustrated.History of Teacher Training in CHELTENHAM, 1847-1990, C. More (1992)

Steam Routes around Cheltenham, Stephen Mourton (1993)

Star Fair at the Cheltenham Ladies’ College – Souvenir Brochure, (1996)

The Story of the Queen’s Hotel, Aylwin Sampson. (1993)

The Story of St. Mary’s College, E.B. Challinor (1978)

The Story of Tivoli, Brian Torode (1998)

They Lived Here in Cheltenham, Aylwin Sampson (1981)

The Training of Teachers, 1847-1947, C. More (1992)

Twelve Hundred Years of Church Life in Prestbury, Robert Sweeney (1968)

Victorian Legacy, Stanley Rudman (1998)

Views of Cheltenham 1786-1860, Steven Blake (1984)

Walk Around Historic Cheltenham, Elaine Heasman (2005)

Wearing the Giant’s Armour – Edward Walker (1823-72), First Rector of CHELTENHAM, Alan Munden (2003) x 2

Writing Local History – Practical Guide, D. Dymond (1982) The Young Arts Centre, Cheltenham, The First 25 Yrs, Elizabeth & Neil Webster (1992)

Your House Has History, GCC (1993)

Alderton 1892. Illustrated history of the village published to mark the centenary of the re-opening of the village church

Biographical Survey of the Churchyard of St Mary’s. Charlton Kings. Titled Lives Revisited. Published by Charlton Kings Local History Society. 2005

The Birmingham to Gloucester Line. By C.G.Maggs (2013)

A history of the line, illustrated with photographs, tables and archive pictures.

Bishop’s Cleeve and Winchcombe in Old Photographs Collected by David Aldred. 1987

Bishop’s Cleeve and Winchcombe in Old Photographs Collected by David Aldred 1989

Cheltenham & Gloucester. A Tradition of Change 150 years of C&G 1850 -2000 by Craig Scott

Cheltenham Grammar School Fifty Years Ago Short typescript memoir and photos by David Aldred

Cheltenham in the 1950s by Peter Gill. One of the Britain in Old Photographs Series. 1996

Cheltenham Past & Present by David Hanks. 2010

Cheltenham Settlement Examinations 1815-1826 Part of the BGAS Records Series

Did You Know Cheltenham ? Compiled by Julia Skinner

Eversfield Tea and Pleasure Gardens Bishop’s Cleeve Written and compiled by David Denley

Geological Collectors and Museums in Cheltenham 1810-1988 Geological

Curators’ Group Vol 5. No.5. 1988 Gloucestershire. A Physical Social and Economic Survey and Plan

Researched and written by Gordon E Payne, former County Planning Officer. No date but c.1940

A Handbook to the Geology of Cheltenham and Neighbourhood. Scholarly and detailed first published in 1904. Revised in 1972. Diagrams, photographs and tables. Richardson, L (revised by RD Beckinsale)

Local Government in Gloucestershire 1775 – 1800 Part of the BGAS Record Series

Picture Palaces of Gloucester & Cheltenham Alan Moore. 1989

Prehistoric Gloucestershire by Timothy Darvill

Pre-Regency Cheltenham. An Archaeological Survey A report by Alan

Saville for Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum. 1975

Principles & Proposals for Cheltenham Spa Published by the Cheltenham Spa Campaign 1975

Scene Together Further selection by Alwyn Sampson. 1992

Swindon Village Collection 1 Collection of articles published by the Swindon Village Society

Archives and Local History in Gloucestershire. Essays in Honour of David Smith. Ed. Joseph Bettey. BGAS 2007

A Brief History of Arle Court. by Phyllis White. 1999

Cheltenham Before the Spa. by Alex Craven and Beth Hartland. A Victoria County History publication. 2018

A Cheltenham Gamaliel. Dean Close of Cheltenham. by Alan Munden. 1997

Cheltenham Gyratory. A walking guide booklet. by B Drummond. 2009

Cheltenham Rugby Football Club 1899-1989. By J. Woodward

Cheltenham Tri-Centenary 1690-1990

Cheltenham’s Lost Heritage. by Oliver Bradbury.2004

Cotswold Crafts. By Edith Brill. 1977

Cotswold Memories. Recollections of Rural life in the Steam Age .by R Pigram & D Edwards.1990

Elliott Bros. of Cheltenham from 1919 to 1984. 1st ed. Compiled by Sally Self

Gloucester, A History and Caroline Heighway. 1985

The Gloucester & Cheltenham Railway and Leckhampton Quarry Tramroads. By D. Bick. 1968

Gloucestershire. County Guide and Industrial Review. Pre 1974

Gloucestershire Historical Studies. Vol 5.Essays on local historical studies. 1971

A History of Cheltenham in 100 objects. By Steven Blake. 2013

A History of Thirlestaine Hall.Booklet published by Chelsea Building Society to commemorate its 25 years there.

Industrial Archaelogy in Gloucestershire in Gloucestershire.3rd ed.

A gazetteer ed Rev W Awdry. Covers the new County of Gloucestershire.

Kelly’s Tradefinder of Cheltenham. 1975

Leckhampton Hill. A teach yourself local geology booklet by William Dreghorn.

The Minor Pleasures of Cotswold by Edith Brill & Peter Turner.1971

Old Cotswold by Edith Brill. 1968

Prestbury: A walk through Roger Beacham.

Remembrance and Community:War memorials and Local History. By Kate Tiller.2013

Tales of the Red Triangle, Peter Worsley. A social and pictorial history of Cheltenham YMCA 1985-2005

Tudor Foundation by Arthur Bell.

A sketch of the history of Richard Pate’s Foundation in Cheltenham 1974.

Travel and Transport in Gloucestershire Villages 1850-1950. Booklet of local memories.

‘Archive Set’ of CLHS Journals, (1-11, 13-19, 22-26 & 30 + 26-29 on CD)

BBC Who Do You Think You Are? Issue 13, September 2008 (contains article on Cheltenham Local History Society)

A Brief History of Arle Court, Phyllis White (1999)

Charlton Kings LHS Research Bulletin No.52. (2006)

Cheltenham Examiner, March 1846 x 2, 5 Jul 1871, 15 Nov 1871, 23 Jul 1884, 30 Jul 1884, 6 Aug 1884 [with Geoff North]

Cheltenham Examiner Index, CLHS, on CD

Delancey Hospital – assorted articles.

Geological Curator, Vol.5, No.5. (1998) (re. Collections & Museums in Cheltenham, 1810-1988)

Gloucester Journal, 16 Aug 1884

Gloucestershire History, 1994, 2002 & 2008

Gloucestershire’s Gardens and Landscape Trust Annual Journals from 2021

Leckhampton Local History Society – Research Bulletin Nos.1, 2 & 3

Swindon Village Collection, Vols I, II, VI, VII. Swindon Village Society

File of The Way we Were newspaper cuttings. [Donated by Les Jameson]

Cheltenham Working Men’s College and Union Club 1883-1899. By Owen Stinchcombe.

An offprint from History of Education Society Bulletin no.48. Autumn 1991

Bournside School Centenary 2007, DVD (2007)

Cheltenham – A Journey Through Time.

Flood photos for CLHS Journal, Mary Nelson, on CD

A History of Cheltenham from its Origins to the Present Day, Robin Brooks (video)

Photographic Record of ‘Trade & Industry in Chelt.’ Display, Oct 2002 on CD [Produced by Geoff North]

Photographic Record of ‘Housing the Poor’ Display, Oct 2009, on CD [Produced by Geoff North]

St Benedict’s/Christ College photos, July 2011 – on CD

A Short History of the First Glos. Battalion Home Guard, Edit. by Lt-Col. E.F. Eagar (1945)

Pittville Spa Subscription Book 1830-1852

3 x old photographs – High Street, Cypher’s Nursery & Cheltenham College
Donated by CKLHS

1809 Plan of Cheltenham showing Mineral Wells.

Assorted old postcards – mainly views of Cheltenham.

Bacon’s New Map of Cheltenham (early 1950s)

Black & White Coach Station Photograph Album. (Post-war rebuild.)

Changing Horses Outside the Plough Inn, Cheltenham, (1870 Print by J.C. Maggs, 1819-96)

Cheltenham General Hospital – 2 lithographs + 1934 Chronicle & Graphic article

Cheltenham LHS Christmas Social, 1989 – Photographs

The Cheltenham Muffin Man – John Millbank, 1831 (With notes.)

Cheltenham (Pt. Cotswolds) Map, Sheet No.60 – David & Charles (1st editn OS reprint) x 2

Cheltenham Skylines – Photographs.

Gloucester Road – Slides. (1991)

Naunton Park School in use as First World War Hospital – Photograph

Nineteenth century CHELTENHAM maps.

Photographic Record of ‘Trade & Industry in Cheltenham’ Display, Oct 2002. [Produced by Geoff North.]

St. John’s Church & Fairview area, Photographs, 1966.

The Changing Face of Cheltenham in the Year 2000.compiled by Cheltenham Local History Society members. Three folders of photographs.

A Year and a Day. Cheltenham Camera Club capture Cheltenham from September 2013 – September 2014 to commemorate their 150th anniversary

Cheltenham Probate Records 1610-1624 2 files of transcripts made by CLHS members.

A Chronology of Education in Cheltenham, various contributors, unpublished.

Extracts from Cheltenham Manor Court Rolls, Early 16th Century.

Starter practice packs available – price 50p.

Research notes, maps and photographs collected by the late Brian Torode.A list is available on application.

The Changing Face of Cheltenham in the Year 2000 compiled by Cheltenham Local History Society members. Three folders of photographs

A Year and a Day. Cheltenham Camera Club capture Cheltenham from September 2013 – September 2014 to commemorate their 150th anniversary

The First All Blacks.Compilation by John Woodward on loan to CLHS. Memorabilia and detail of the 1905 tour, further tours and history concerning Cheltenham RFC

Gloucestershire Remembers WW1. Some of the research material collected by Neela Mann during the writing of ‘Cheltenham in the Great War’