Journal 9 (1992/93)

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Charles Sturt: Australian Explorer and resident of Cheltenham
Jane Sale
Public hire chairs in Cheltenham Geoffrey Wilson
The early years of the Cheltenham General Dispensary Daphne Doughton
The Spa Bands of Cheltenham, 1780-1875 Mick Kippin
The Cox family:- 75 years in Cheltenham James Toomey
The Manor mystery:- The rise and decline of the house of the Bishops of Hereford at Prestbury Beryl Elliott
From the Cheltenham Examiner
Intellectual Amusement & Instruction:- Jean Lacock
The 1841 Exhibition of Works of Art and Science at the CheltenhamLiterary and Philosophical Institution
College and County:- Charles More
Cheltenham Training College and its proposed rival, 1903-7
GRO accessions 1991-92 relating to the Cheltenham area Julie Courtenay